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FRM-SF-D4001-85-2021 | 85" Deco Frame Gloss White

Refer to individual pricing below.

SKU ID: #31971-31871
SKU Product Code: FRM-SF-D4001-85-2021
Categories:  Custom Frame

This premium decorative TV frame is made to perfectly fit any size Samsung Frame TV. The frame ships directly to you in four easy to assemble pieces and can be snapped together and fully attached to your Samsung TV in under 2 minutes.

Enjoy a finished look to your television to match your room's decor. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: This item is ONLY compatible with Samsung "The Frame" TVs.
(Be sure to select your Samsung Frame TV Model Year to ensure you receive a frame that will be compatible with your TV).


Each frame hooks onto the top of your Samsung Frame television and clips into place at the bottom to perfectly align with the edge of the TV screen. All frames can be easily installed by any consumer with no technical knowledge. 

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